Saturday, February 14, 2009

Romance with Surf 'n Turf

The 'turf' part of Surf 'n Turf usually means steak. But as with so many of our suppers, tonight's is a variation on the theme.
My valentine and I met while we were both working in Australia. Conveniently, both of us lived near Adelaide in the state of South Australia. While we were there, we discovered the joys of lamb. It was inexpensive, always fresh, and invariably delicious. So lamb is often a part of our celebrations. And tonight is no different, only it isn't chops on the barbie, it's a lovely little rack.
In 2002 we went back for another year in Oz. Only that time, we lived in Queensland. One of the best foods we found there was the Moreton Bay bug. First off, it's not an insect, but a spectacularly tasty seafood treat. Since I can't find those here, we're 'making do' with little lobster tails and, of course, a pot of melted butter.
And on Valentine's we have to have a sweet-tooth-indulging dessert. But tonight that's all-Canadian: raspberries from the freezer (that I picked last July) and Nanaimo bars.

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